Questions? 0824-2474850
Safety @ NITK School
Completely protected school against Covid – 19
100% vaccinated teachers and staff
Periodic sanitation of the classes and the whole premises
Contact school office for details.
Message from Principal
NITK English Medium School works by providing appropriate approaches of academic activities to provide stress free, child centric and holistic education to all children without compromising on quality as per the guidelines specified by the CBSE, Delhi.
We offer a Board Curriculum providing a range of opportunities for all our students to achieve excellence in academic, social, cultural, creative, sporting and community endeavors. By putting focus on providing the best quality education bolstered with quality skill imparting we aim at help creating a powerful and dynamic leadership qualities in our students.
The students of NITK English Medium School are nurtured to absorb and respect Indian tradition and culture thus facilitating deep learning helping them to adapt to real life situations. Special care and attention are given to students in making them understand core concepts and skills including communicate English so that the child blossoms as a dynamic youth and wise thinker. We prepare students with a holistic education teaching them to show respect and care towards parents and elders and by giving them the confidence and courage to face the competitive world. The relationships and connections with native community is valued and encouraged by NITK English Medium School. We give special emphasis in developing respectful peer relationships among students making then capable in making ethical decisions.
We at NITK English medium school are proud to be a high performing school with high standards and we are aimed to be the selective school at first choice for all families within our community. Our students move out after schooling well equipped with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will hold them for success in the world of the future, NITK English Medium School students are intelligent, creative, imaginative, disciplined dedicated to lifelong learning, respectful and ethical. Our dedicated team of teachers builds them up a future leaders and role models of the society.

AICS Interschool Athletic Meet at SDM Ujire - Deeksha of 10th got III Place in Long Jump

Akshaj of 8th std got First prize in Drawing competion

Pranathi of class 10 got Third prize in Singing
Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL)
is a sub-mission under the Atal Innovation Mission of the Government of India. ATL is the flagship initiative of AIM, the Government of India, to nurture an innovative mindset amongst high school students across the length and breadth of India.
Audio Visual Room
Age-old teaching methods are increasingly becoming redundant and schools are adopting new teaching aids and tools to improve the classroom teaching-learning experience.
Computer Lab

Libraries help the students to develop good reading and study habits. The libraries provide information and services that are essential for learning and progress.
Play Ground
Providing a proper playground is beneficial to keep the children fit and healthy. School playground equipment in India positively impacts children's emotional, social, physical, and mental growth.

Parents Teachers Association Meeting - held on 25th July 2023. Office Bearers of Former PTA and class parent Representatives were present. New office Bearers of PTA have been selected: President - Dr. G.S Dwarakish, Vice President - Mrs Manasa, Secretary - Mrs Vaishnavi, Joint Secretary - Dr. Sunil Malegole.
Our Students participated in "INTERNATIONAL MOON DAY" held at " Regional science centre" Vamanjor, Pilikula. All schools having ATL have participated. Scientists from ISRO guided students about "chandrayana" and "satellite", and making kits. Students watched the film " The Moon" in pilikula Planetarium.
Prof Bhallamudi Ravi, Director National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Karnataka visited our School on 24th July 2023.
"Awareness Programme about Drug Abuse" The Resource Person- Mr. Arun Sub Inspector, Surathkal Police Station,Manglore city. The programme was held on 11-07-2023
"REIMAGINING CLASSROOM LAERNING" Workshop held on 8-07-2023 for Teachers - An approach that recognizes every learner is unique and the teaching methods should align with the brains natural learning process.
GREEN QUIZ 2023 - Organised by CENTRE FOR INTEGRATED LEARNING MANGALORE, held at LIONS AND LEO CLUB MANGLORE on 1-07-2023 our students JANICE AVRIL PAIS and K SHRUTHI won III place in open to all category.
"TREE ", Forever Through Seed ball NITK EMS Celebrated Vanmohtstav Week, Seed ball Campaign by Cubs and Bulbul.
INTERACTION PROGRAMME FOR CLASS VIII ON 30-06-2023 Dr. Hemang C Subramanyan Associate Professor Florida International University guided students about the values of life through stories. School pays gratitude for his words of values needed in this rapidly changing world. Dr. Alwyn Roshan Pais -President Trust Board, NITKEMS interacted with students. Principal and staff pay heart felt gratitude for his concern.
"Scout Thritiya Sopana Examination" Conducted at pilikula Scout Bhavana on 20th, 21st, 22nd June 2023. Our students attended the Examination.
'Yoga For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" Encapsulating our collective aspiration for "one Earth, one Family, and one Future". Celebration of 9th International Day of Yoga on 21-06-2023 Here are some activities conducted on Yoga Day.
P.N Panicker National Reading day was celebrated on June 19,2023 READ AND GROW " A book is a gift you can open again and again.
"Save Water" Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. Activity by "Bulbul" team on 17-06-23
"Leader is one who knows the way, gives the way and shows the the way" NITK EMS had organized "INVESTITURE CEREMONY" on 19-06-2023.
" At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents"
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can shape the world ; indeed its the only thing that ever has". Parents Teachers Meeting held on 15-06-2023 for class X
NITK ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL conducted SCHOOL CABINET MINISTERS ELECTION on June 13,2023 "Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, the country, and this world".
"WORLD DAY AGAINST CHILD LABOUR" Small hands can handle a pen better lend your support to abolish child labour, Performance by the students of class VIII and IX on world day against child labour.
NITKEMS had organized various activities for the students from class LKG to X on account of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY on 5.6.2023, here are some glimpses of celebrations.
Glimpses of Drawing competition conducted by “Vijaya Karnataka “ News paper, in NITKEMS on June 6,2023, on account of World Environment Day on the topic “BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION”.

An ideal student is ever thirsty for gaining knowledge. His certain traits make him extraordinary among others. He is a person who has an inborn winning attitude. His ambitions are always high, and he keeps on striving to achieve his ambitions. He is always goal-oriented and also he has a plan of action to achieve those goals. He is seriously dedicated and committed to his education. He is always attentive in class while studying; he carefully listens to the lectures and raises his doubts. He always respects his teachers and obeys their orders and instructions. He is punctual in school and completes the works at the right time. If he feels some difficulty in understanding something, he does not hesitate to ask questions from his teachers.
Congratulations and best wishes to all the students for your excellent performance!!!.
Management, Parents Teachers Association, Old Students Association and Staff members of the school.
Co-Curricular Activities
The Mission of Scouting and Guiding is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
- Scouts / Guides
- Cubs / Bulbuls
- Bunnys
Our Teaching Faculty
Our staff consists of dedicated team of trained post graduates and graduates. They have contributed to the achievement of high academic standard and have always made this institution worthy of recognition in the field of education in Karnataka.
Admission – Why NITK school?
The NITK English Medium School (formerly called as KREC English Medium High School) was established in the year 1968 with the objective of meeting the needs of an English Medium School
- 50+ years of academic excellence.
- Atal Tinkering Lab by NITI Ayog, Govt. of India.
- Value based learning.
- Globally placed Alumni.
- Loving and caring environment
- Team of dedicated teachers
Upcoming Events
Our Upcoming Events..........
Ek Bharath Shreshta Bharath
Various Activities under Ek Bharath Shreshta Bharath Programme
Dwithiya Sopana Exam
The Scout movement, also known as Scouting or the Scouts, is a voluntary non-political educational movement for
Dwithiya Sopana Exam
The Scout motto means that you are always ready to do what is necessary to help others. It also means you are
Dwithiya Sopana Exam
A Scout is to be trusted. A Scout is loyal. A Scout is friendly and considerate. A Scout belongs to the world-wide
“By 2024, The Bharat Scouts & Guides will be a globally visible, consistently growing, self-reliant
What Guides Do?
The association describes its aims in its mission: The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of
Scouting in India
Scouting started in India in the year 1909, when Captain T.H.Baker established the first Scout Troop in
A boy can be registered as a Bulbul Aspirant on completion of five years of age and invested after working for at
Cub Bulbul Utsav is the gathering of the Cub and Bulbuls in which opportunities are provided to the Cub and bulbuls
Red Flower
Cubs and Bulbuls present their skills and talents in cultural presentation as evening activities called Red Flower
A girl can be registered as a Bulbul Aspirant on completion of five years of age and invested after working for at
Cub Bulbul Utsav is the gathering of the Cub and Bulbuls in which opportunities are provided to the Cub and bulbuls
Cubs and Bulbuls present their skills and talents in cultural presentation as evening activities called Red Flower
The Bunny programme is part of the Scouts and Guides program and is for children between the age group of 3 and 6
The Bunny programme is part of the Scouts and Guides program and is for children between the age group of 3 and 6
The Bunny programme is part of the Scouts and Guides program and is for children between the age group of 3 and 6